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Jan. 17, 2014

Called to Do More Than Listen

Matthew 7 Proverbs 7 Judging Others 7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to …

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Jan. 15, 2014

Invisible Credit – Don’t Be Near Sited

Today I felt that God was reminding us to be humble and not always look for rewards from people, but look and remember that God has our rewards waiting for us. Today's scripture is Matthew 6 and Proverb's 6. Matthew …

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Jan. 13, 2014

God’s Little Pep Talk: Rejoice and Be Glad

Today we hear Jesus give us a pep talk, and we see that he raises the bar on what is “OK” and calls us to shoot for perfection. He knows its going to be hard and we will catch all …

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Jan. 10, 2014

Get Wisdom – Get Understanding

Today we get reminded just how powerful Jesus is. I can only imagine the word of mouth that must've been going on at the time. We also get a stern warning in Proverbs four. I feel like God is saying, …

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Jan. 8, 2014

Honor Your Parents – Turn to God During Tough Times

Today's scripture is Genesis 6-8 and Luke 3 where we hear about Noah getting hammered and falling down naked. We also hear about the tower of Babel. In Luke we hear how Jesus fought temptation by turning to scriptures. Script...

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Jan. 6, 2014

Some Times We Need to Wait

Today's scripture is Genesis 6-8 and Luke 3 Genesis 6-8 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the …

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Jan. 3, 2014

Teach Me to Obey

Today we look at Genesis 3,4,5; and Luke 2 We see where Eve gets talked into eating the apple and then gets Adam to eat it as well. We also read of Cain killing his brother Able In Luke we …

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Jan. 1, 2014

Never Doubt That God Will Take Care Of You

Today I'm trying a new format. It's called SOAP-ING S for Scripture Open your Bible to the reading found under today's date of your Bible reading chart. Take time reading and allow God to speak to you. Highlight, underline or...

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Dec. 11, 2013

Simple Prayers Work

Today I share how I'm trying to do daily bible studies. Not just the simple reading of the text, but actually taking time to talk to God. I'm implementing a technique called S.O.A.P. Bible study, and I love it. I …

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Nov. 1, 2013

Who and What Makes Jesus Upset?

Today we talk about Jesus when he was upset with people. There are those that get hung on if Jesus was Angry and if it was righteous anger, etc. I want to look at WHO he was Angry and WHY. …

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Sept. 28, 2013

Let Your Light Shine

Today, I share my praise for God who let me see someone come to God and I may have had a small part in it. I also talk about the FACT that people see you, and they are watching you …

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June 17, 2013

First Hand Faith

I was watching a movie called Peter and Paul and it's great, but the special effects were a little cheezy. Then I thought about it... Can you imagine what it must've been like to see the miracles firsthand? Remember that …

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April 22, 2013

Jesus Understands You

There are days when your whole world goes upside down. Things do not go as plan. You get a bad report from a doctor. You make a horrible choice. It seems life is too difficult. Maybe you have someone to …

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Feb. 22, 2013

What if We Treated the Bible Like Our Phone?

I can’t take credit for the original question, but I have expanded on it. What if we treated the bible like our cell phone? I would we buy it a cool case so it would stay in great condition? Would …

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Dec. 4, 2012

No Apology Required

One of the things I struggle with is if someone does what I feel is “wrong,’ I REALLY want an apology before I even think about forgiving them. This is not biblical. As I was listening to the last hours …

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Aug. 24, 2011

Jesus Was Not a Nutjob

People want to say Jesus and his story was just folk lore that got out of hand. That his disciples “pulled on off” on the world by propagating one of the worlds best secrets. I would believe that except according …

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Aug. 4, 2011

Is the Bible Credible?

Many people point out the Bible discrepancies, and state because there are contradictions in the bible, it can’t be viewed as a credible resource. Let’s look at those contradictions. 1. What was written above Jesus’s head whe...

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May 17, 2011

Seriously God?

I entered my Ethics class at the University of Akron. Day one we had to get something out of the way. We needed to get God out of this discussion. After all, what does God know about Morals? Here was …

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May 9, 2011

The Pilot Episode

Are you ready to start? Buckle up. Here we go. I’m calling this the pilot episode to explain where I’m coming from and where we are going. I believe the bible. Every word. The inspired word of God. Now I …

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