I love God, but hate religion. Let's get back to you and God. It's pretty simple. Quick lessons, and maybe, just maybe, some fun. Can God be fun? Yes. Yes he can.
The discussion centers on the phenomenon of traveling at the speed of life, illustrating our diminishing capacity for patience in an era dominated by instantaneous gratification. We explore how technological advancements, whi...
Navigating Offense: Christians' Response to the Olympics Controversy Welcome back to another episode of "Feeding My Faith." I'm your host, Dave Jackson, from theschoolofpodcasting.com. Today, we're diving into a hot-button is...
The truth is getting blurry with technology and today we are talking about the Father of Lies (Satan) wants you to believe his lies. When you believe his lies as truth you may not be saying, doing, acting in ways you should. ...
Today I’m looking at Matthew 6 and I notice a pattern. When you do things to make you look good to other people is seems to tarnish your actions. Matthew 6:1-2 (NLT) 1 “Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admi...
So I haven’t put out any content since May. Here are some of the reasons. I didn’t feel “Worthy” to be behind the microphone talking about God. As a person with TWO divorces under his belt, I can’t help but feel God was pisse...
Memory Problems My brother was in an accident a few years ago. He was knocked out At first we thought he was fine, but over time things were not as they seem. It Turns out his brain has a hard time remembering some things, an...